About Me

1 creative bone out of all is enough for the creation of the need to exercise it. Locate it. Mine is my backbone. I am sure.

I did my MBA in HR and MA in Psychology before, after and during which I began a few projects, each of them with one thought: Art and Generation of employment through art.

I began with Blue Events, next came out a small one liner thought someday…

Akshat Drama Group, to create a market where an artist earns a daily minimum wage, every daily of that definition.

Akshat Drama Group, to create out of the blue projects and perform them internationally beginning with London at the Science Museum.

Akshat Drama Group and Flat and Flatmates began within a year of each other. One offline and one online.

I have tasted success and I have tasted blood. Failure feels like a lesson when you succeed again but at the moment you taste it, it hurts. And I cannot ignore Caricature Animation Studios, a place where I am struggling, in my introduction.

Nunca Te Rindas